E-Mail Hints
By Cathy Margolin, reviews@netsurfernews.com
- Never use all capital letters in an e-mail- it is considered SHOUTING,
which is rude.
- If you are sending to lots of people, please use bcc: (called blind
carbon copy) for the list and send the To: to yourself. That way not
everyone gets everyone else’s e-mail address. Be considerate. An example
is : To: inventor00@pobox.com bcc: all the people on my humor list to get
a daily joke.
- If sending on items like jokes which have been send by many others with
many other names in the message, please mark the area you want others to
see, and copy into a new e-mail message. Most people hate going though 4
pages of names to get to the joke/message.
- Please include a meaningful title on the subject line. Most people hate
getting one saying "no subject" and having to open the message
(maybe days later) to find out it was really important.
- Always include your name, as not all e-mail addresses are meaningful.
Mine is inventor00@pobox.com, so I try to always include " Cathy
Grammer-Margolin, inventor00@pobox.com" at the bottom of the message.
- Always send the message as text instead of html (if possible) since many
people cannot read it if it is in html format unless they cut and paste
into another document then pull it up in their browser (and most people
will not do this). AOL with 14 million people can only convert some parts
of html e-mail messages.
- Unless you know that a person is retired with nothing to do except read
e-mail, please be considerate with the volume of mail you pass on. With my
joke list, I have daily readers and weekly readers (weekly being people
who have too much e-mail and only want one to two a week). Sometimes
people are shy about telling you to reduce the volume (they are not like
shy , retiring me…not). Also to some people, reading e-mail is not a
priority. Some many read it once a month. So be aware of your audience.
- If you use AOL, you might consider using BPS Software’s Power Tools as
an address book to sort addresses, groups of people, etc. For a free trial
version, Goto Keyword BPS.
Emoticons: Richard Hanson has this as a definition: An emoticon
(also known as a "smiley") is a symbol composed of a few text
characters, and used as a kind of emotional shorthand to add meaning to a
message. For example, an emoticon may be used at the end of a comment to
indicate that the comment was not intended to be taken seriously. Most
emoticons are designed to be interpreted with the viewer's head tilted over to
the left. (From: http://www.utopiasw.demon.co.uk/emoticon.htm
-this site also has a list of the more common ones.)
E-mail acronyms can also be found at : (such as BTW, which is By the way,
LOL which is Laughing Out Loud, etc.) http://www.utopiasw.demon.co.uk/acronyms.htm